Our Success Stories

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your assistance and prompt support from 18 June 2019 to 18 July 2019.

Your team members were very responsive and supportive during this critical period. The support includes sourcing of power supply, isolation of fire alarm, airside transportation support and etc within a short notice.

Please convey my thanks to your staffs for their effort and assistance.

Ho Wee Sin
Deputy Director (Technical Standards and Support)
Aeronautical Telecommunications & Engineering Division

| wish to put on record and congratulate your team for a job well done!

On 26 July 2022 at about 1am there was a small fire in our CPI Lab and the fire alarm was activated. At once, the duty technician, Suresh identified the fire scene and sprang into action. He used a nearby fire extinguisher to kill the incipient fire. Investigation revealed that the ignition of fire was due to a series of overheated switches at the entrance to the laboratory.

Suresh notified the Senior Facilities Manager (SFM), Wong Yew Suen after putting off the fire. The burnt switches caused the entire lab to be clouded with black smoke. SFM Wong activated his fellow colleagues Lionel Tan, Thein Soe, Amin and Soe Doh to return to the site immediately to recover the power supply to the CPI Lab. The team worked tirelessly from 1 am to 9 am on 27 July 2022 with the aim to restore the power supply in the Lab as soon as possible. By 8 am, 90% of the lightings was back to normal operation and the remaining 10% was supported by temporary lightings so that the Lab Staff could carry on their daily routine without any disruptions.

Your dedicated team are valuable partners to HSA. A big thank you to your team for their good work! It would not be possible to achieve the goal without each one’s commitment and competency.

Lynette Goh
Director of Facilities Management
Health Sciences Authority

We would like to thank M/s Indeco Engineers Pte Ltd, in particular your staff, Mr M Subeeri Ali Adi for his kind sharing on the topic of “Creating a safety culture” during Changi Airport Group (CAG) Engineering & Development Group's Safety Working Committee Meeting in 2015. The information and experience presented to CAG staff and other CAG contractors and work partners during the meeting have no doubt improved workplace safety awareness and benefitted all in making Changi and Seletar Airports a safer environment to work in.

We look forward to your continual support and Safety contribution to maintain a zero incident / accident record at Changi and Seletar Airports.